Please review the registration options carefully. You can register for a single day/event or for all the days. If you want to attend the 14th Annual Information Security Summit you will need to register for both Thursday and Friday. Your best deal is to buy a Golden Ticket! The Golden Ticket will give you access to all the events during the week – including the Summit.
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Please review the registration options carefully. You can register for a single day/event or for all the days. If you want to attend the 14th Annual Information Security Summit you will need to register for both Thursday and Friday. Your best deal is to buy a Golden Ticket! The Golden Ticket will give you access to all the events during the week – including the Summit. 25777 Detroit Road - Westlake Events
25777 Detroit Road
United States
Upcoming Events
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Upcoming CSO Xchange Events
Our scheduled events for 2024 include:
March 13 CSO Xchange Meeting at Walsh University (COMPLETE)
June 07 CSO Xchange Meeting – Top Golf, Independence (COMPLETE)
September 06 – CSO Xchange Meeting – Date and Place TBD
September 09 Guardian Appreciation Golf Outing + CSO Xchange Meeting
October 21 CSO Xchange Meeting (At the SUMMIT)
October 21-22 ISS Training Opportunites
October 23-25 ISS 22nd Annual Information Security Summit